Category Blog

Blog Posts

100 Years of Toastmasters International

🥳Congratulations on 100 Years of Toastmasters International! District 102 proudly celebrates this extraordinary milestone. For a century, Toastmasters has empowered individuals to lead, communicate, and inspire. We are honored to be part of this global community and look forward to…

District Council Meeting 1

Sign Up for the District Council Meeting and Collect Diamond Club Points! The Diamond Club Award is your opportunity to elevate your club above the Distinguished Clubs and demonstrate your club’s excellence. Don’t miss out on this chance to be…

District 102 Club Officer Training 1 2024-2025

Calling all District 102 Club Officers! Empower yourself to lead your club to new heights by attending our upcoming Club Officer Training 1. 🥳This training is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel in…

Contest Update 2023-2024

contest update

As we enter the 2023-2024 program year, we are happy to make several announcements to all fellow members of District 102 regarding the coming contests as follows: In evaluation contest, a member may need more practice in public speaking, making…

District Director’s Message

District Director's Message

Warmest Greetings to the Family of District 102, 1st of July marks a new beginning in Toastmasters’ calendar year. 1st of July also marks that our District, District 102 is officially marching into its 8th year since its formation in…

Responsibility Starts with Me

Responsibility Starts with Me
Did you know that famous individuals and celebrities have suffered from Glossophobia or the fear of public speaking? Richard Branson, Julia Roberts and Harrison Ford were just a few of them......

Paramount Quality of Leadership

Paramount Quality of Leadership
According to management guru Peter Drucker, leadership is the ability to elevate an employee's vision to a higher level, improve employee performance to a better level and develop an employee's personality beyond the limits of his or her normal abilities......

