Contest Update 2024-2025

Warm greetings to all members of District 102,

As we enter the 2024-2025 program year, we are happy to make several announcements to all fellow members of District 102 regarding the coming contests as follows:

This is to communicate our District’s decision on the number of contestants allowed to progress from the Club, Area and Division Humorous Speech Contest, Evaluation Contest, International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest effective from 1st July 2024:

Eight weeks prior to the Area contest, if an Area has four assigned Clubs or fewer in good standing, two contestants from each Club are allowed to compete in the Area contest.

Should additional Clubs charter prior to the Area contest, two contestants from each club are permitted to compete.

In Areas with five or more Clubs in good standing eight weeks prior to the contest, one contestant from each club is permitted to compete.

In Divisions with four assigned Areas or less, the two highest-placed available contestants from each Area are allowed to compete at the Division contest.

In Divisions with five or more assigned Areas, one contestant from each area is permitted to compete at the Division Contest.

Kindly complete all Division level contests before 28 April 2025.

All District 102 contests will be held between 23-25 May 2025. The venue of the contests will be announced later.

Please comply with the latest Speech Contest Rulebook.

The latest digital version of Toastmasters International’s Speech Contest Materials are available to be downloaded from Toastmasters International links as below:

Humorous Speech Contest Kit:

Evaluation Speech Contest Kit:

International Speech Contest Kit:

Table Topics Contest Kit:

Best wishes to all of you. Enjoy your Toastmasters journey!

Thank you and Warm Regards,

Robert Ram, DTM
Program Quality Director,
District 102, Term 2024-2025